I grew up on a family farm near Calgary, Alberta, Canada where my family produced grain and raising purebred cattle. My entire childhood revolved around chores, calving, harvest and all the day to day duties that come with being a "farm kid." I was the youngest of three daughters and had always been know as the "creative" one. At first it was dressing up and coloring, and later on I found great joy in drawing, writing and composing poetry. Following high school I decided that being "artsy" was probably not going to pay the bills so i decided to pursue an education in the science and business fields.
During is time my mom went back to work full time for a National beef magazine. A few years later started purebred cattle publication. This was a great opportunity to put my business skills to the test and still be part of industry that I was so passionate about. After several years, I was given the opportunity to take over the business and was settled in my new position as owner of Prime Cut Publishing. After working with a few graphic artists I was never really happy when the ad concept I had envisioned did not turn out as I had created in my head. I, in turn, began "teaching" myself graphic and page layout programs. As time passed I made a career for myself and enjoyed my so called "office life" when I met my husband who was also a purebred livestock producer. With the relocation of his family farm it too far to commute to the city and decided to move my business into our home.
I am blessed with four children, living the ranch lifestyle I grew up with and fortunate to have a career doing something I love! And I guess as they say, "The Rest is History!"